Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

The Mirror of Matsuyama

In ancient days there lived in a remote part of Japan a man and his wife, and they were blessed with a little girl, who was the pet and idol of her parents. On one occasion the man was called away on business in distant Kyoto. Before he went he told his daughter that if she were good and dutiful to her mother he would bring her back a present she would prize very highly. Then the good man took his departure, mother and daughter watching him go. At last he returned to his home, and after his wife and child had taken off his large hat and sandals he sat down upon the white mats and opened a bamboo basket, watching the eager gaze of his little child. He took out a wonderful doll and a lacquer box of cakes and put them into her outstretched hands. Once more he dived into his basket, and presented his wife with a metal mirror. Its convex surface shone brightly, while upon its back there was a design of pine trees and storks.
The good man's wife had never seen a mirror before, and on gazing into it she was under the impression that another woman looked out upon her as she gazed with growing wonder. Her husband explained the mystery and bade her take great care of the mirror.
Not long after this happy homecoming and distribution of presents the woman became very ill. Just before she died she called to her little daughter, and said: "Dear child, when I am dead take every care of your father. You will miss me when I have left you. But take this mirror, and when you feel most lonely look into it and you will always see me." Having said these words she passed away.
In due time the man married again, and his wife was not at all kind to her stepdaughter. But the little one, remembering her mother's words, would retire to a corner and eagerly look into the mirror, where it seemed to her that she saw her dear mother's face, not drawn in pain as she had seen it on her deathbed, but young and beautiful.
One day this child's stepmother chanced to see her crouching in a corner over an object she could not quite see, murmuring to herself. This ignorant woman, who detested the child and believed that her stepdaughter detested her in return, fancied that this little one was performing some strange magical art--perhaps making an image and sticking pins into it. Full of these notions, the stepmother went to her husband and told him that his wicked child was doing her best to kill her by witchcraft.
When the master of the house had listened to this extraordinary recital he went straight to his daughter's room. He took her by surprise, and immediately the girl saw him she slipped the mirror into her sleeve. For the first time her doting father grew angry, and he feared that there was, after all, truth in what his wife had told him, and he repeated her tale forthwith.
When his daughter had heard this unjust accusation she was amazed at her father's words, and she told him that she loved him far too well ever to attempt or wish to kill his wife, who she knew was dear to him.
"What have you hidden in your sleeve?" said her father, only half convinced and still much puzzled.
"The mirror you gave my mother, and which she on her deathbed gave to me. Every time I look into its shining surface I see the face of my dear mother, young and beautiful. When my heart aches--and oh! it has ached so much lately--I take out the mirror, and mother's face, with sweet, kind smile, brings me peace, and helps me to bear hard words and cross looks."
Then the man understood and loved his child the more for her filial piety. Even the girl's stepmother, when she knew what had really taken place, was ashamed and asked forgiveness. And this child, who believed she had seen her mother's face in the mirror, forgave, and trouble forever departed from the home.

Source: F. Hadland Davis, Myths and Legends of Japan (London: George G. Harrap, 1917), pp. 196-198.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

resep Bolu Pisang Keju

6 sdm susu kental manis putih
500 g pisang Ambon/raja sereh, kupas, haluskan
10 kuning telur ayam
8 putih telur ayam
200 g gula pasir
50 g mentega/margarin, lelehkan
50 g keju Cheddar, parut
200 g tepung terigu
1/2 sdt baking powder
Cara membuat:
# Aduk susu dan pisang hingga tercampur rata.
# Kocok telur dan gula hingga kental, mengembang dan warnanya pucat.
# Masukkan campuran pisang sambil aduk hingga rata
# Tambahkan sebagian campuran terigu. Aduk rata.
# Tuangkan mentega/margarin leleh, aduk rata.
# Tambahkan sisa terigu, aduk rata.
# Tuang ke dalam loyang segi empat 22x10x10 cm yang sudah disemir margarin dan ditaburi sedikit terigu. Ratakan.
# Taburi keju parut. Panggang dalam oven panas 180 C selama 45 menit hingga matang.
# Angkat, dinginkan. 


Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Peduli Sesama

Sebuah kisah disampaikan Abu Khubaisy kepada murid-muridnya. Suatu hari Abdullah bin Umar, khalifah yang terkenal sebagai pembangun Bait al Maqdis, terserang penyakit. Para asistennya sangat mengkhawatirkan umur khalifah karena penyakitnya itu. Ternyata, Allah SWT belum berkenan memanggil Abdullah ke haribaan-Nya. Khalifah berangsur-angsur pulih.

Setelah kondisi kesehatannya membaik, sang khalifah berkeinginan untuk menyantap ikan panggang. Mendengar keinginan itu, para pembantunya langsung mencari ikan dan memanggangnya. Hidangan ikan panggang yang aromanya begitu memikat meningkatkan selera makan khalifah. Ia ingin segera menyantapnya.

Pada saat khalifah akan memulai makan, tiba-tiba muncul seorang musafir yang tampak sangat kelaparan. Serta-merta, Khalifah Abdullah bin Umar menyuruh pembantunya segera mengangkat hidangan yang ada di hadapannya dan memberikannya kepada si musafir. Perintah itu membuat para pembantunya protes sebab merasa jerih payahnya tak dinikmati khalifah.

Mereka keberatan kalau makanan tersebut diberikan kepada musafir tadi. "Hidangan ini dengan sengaja kami buatkan untuk tuan dan sesuai dengan pesanan tuan. Namun, mengapa diberikan kepada musafir itu?" Khalifah menyampaikan penjelasan kepada pembantunya mengapa ia urung menyantap hidangan itu.

"Wahai pembantuku, tahukah kamu bila aku memakan makanan ini, maka sebetulnya itu aku lakukan karena aku menginginkan dan menyukainya. Tetapi, bila musafir itu memakannya, itu karena ia benar-benar membutuhkannya. Jadi, sesungguhnya makanan itu lebih berharga bagi dia daripada untukku," katanya.

Khalifah kemudian menyampaikan firman Allah, "Kalian sekali-kali tidaklah memperoleh kebajikan sehingga kalian menyedekahkan apa-apa yang kalian senangi." Kisah di atas sejatinya mengandung hikmah tertinggi di mana seharusnya kita memiliki rasa peduli terhadap sesama apalagi dalam situasi darurat dan mendesak.

Di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, terdapat perilaku kurang baik yang sering dilakukan oleh sebagian besar kita. Perilaku itu adalah mendahulukan kepentingan pribadi daripada kepentingan orang lain alias kurang peduli sesama. Kadang kala kita sulit untuk berkorban demi orang lain, walau dalam kondisi darurat sekalipun.

Sulit sekali menemukan pribadi-pribadi yang dipenuhi rasa simpati dan empati kepada orang lain. Yang ada malah sifat arogansi individualisme yang merajalela dalam lubuk sanubari setiap manusia. Padahal, kepedulian terhadap sesama akan membawa manfaat dan maslahat besar bagi kita semua. Semoga teladan ini dapat menjadi inspirasi agar kita menjadi manusia yang lebih baik.

Taken from: Ahbaburrasul saw (pencinta Rasulullah saw)

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Soursop Benefits for Cancer

by David Growl
Soursop fruit in Latin called Annona Muricata, also known by the name sabrang jackfruit, jackfruit londo, jackfruit buris, and in Bali is more recognizable as srikaya Java. In LN also known as Soursop. In addition to delicious, this fruit is also rich in medicinal content.

Efficacy of soursop fruit provides effect anti-tumor / cancer is very strong, and medically proven to cure all types of cancer. In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as anti-bacterial, anti-fungus (fungi), effective against various types of parasites / worms, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system back to a less well.

It was a sweet acidity that gives the sensation of its own for the fans. For those who like breakfast with bread, fruit soursop are also often added in the form of jam. Whatever the form of processed, soursop flavor remains strongly attached to the product, making it very easy to spot.

The content of soursop fruit is the following:

Rich Vitamin C
Soursop fruit consists of 67.5 percent meat, 20 percent of the fruit skin, fruit seeds 8.5 percent and 4 percent of the fruit core. After water, nutrients content in soursop the most carbohydrates. One type of carbohydrate on soursop fruit is a reducing sugar (glucose and fructose) with levels of 81.9 to 93.6 percent of the total sugar content.

Soursop fruit contains very little fat (0.3 g/100 g), so it is good for health. Sour taste comes from the soursop non-volatile organic acids, mainly malate acid, citric acid, and acid Isocitrate.

Vitamins are the most dominant in soursop fruit is vitamin C, which is about 20 mg per 100 grams of meat. Requirement of vitamin C per person per day (ie 60 mg), have been fulfilled only by consuming 300 grams of meat soursop fruit. Vitamin C is high enough on the soursop is a very good antioxidant to enhance the immune system and slow the aging process (stay young).

Minerals are quite dominant is a phosphorus and calcium, each for 27 and 14 mg/100 g. Both minerals are essential for the formation of bone mass, which is useful to form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Advantages soursop lies in sodium content (sodium) is low (14 mg/100 g) but high in potassium (potassium), which is 278 mg/l00 g. Comparison of potassium and high sodium is beneficial in the prevention of hypertension.

* Rich Fiber
Besides nutritional components, soursop fruit is also very rich in non-nutritional components. One of them is a lot of fiber containing foods (dietary fiber), which reached 3.3 g / 100 g of fruit flesh. 100 g of meat consumption of fruit can satisfy 13 percent of daily needs of food fiber. Soursop fruit is a fruit that is rich in phytochemical compounds, which can ensure that the fruits are very much beneficial for health.

Phytochemical compounds are likely to have health benefits, although not all scientifically proven. Soursop benefits to include medical treatment of gallstones, antisembelit, uric acid, and increases appetite. In addition, fiber content also serves to facilitate digestion, especially for the treatment of constipation (constipation).

Fruit juice (juice) soursop in the digestive system will increase the appetite. Other uses of this juice is for the treatment of hip stiffness and pain, disease hemorrhoids (piles), gallstones, and others. (By: Prof.. DR. Astawan Made, Expert Food Technology and Nutrition/

Here's a summary of usability soursop:

Soursop has a very large benefits in the prevention and cure of cancer. For prevention, it is advisable to eat or drink fruit juice soursop.

For healing, can boil 10 leaves of soursop fruit old dark green) into the 3 cups of water and boiled until it evaporates and the water stayed just 1 cup. Living water 1 cup at a minimum to the patient every day 2 times.

After drinking, he said, the body feels the effects of heat, similar to the effects of chemotherapy. In 2 weeks time, the results can be checked to the doctor, he said quite nutritious. Soursop leaves are said nature such as chemotherapy, is even better because soursop leaf cells only kill cells that grow abnormally and allow cells to grow normally. While there are effects of chemotherapy also kills some normal cells.